About Me
Rosa Del Gaudio

My name is Rosa Del Gaudio

Since November 2013, I'm working as project manager and researcher at the PcMedic company in the context of the QTLeap project

In March 2014, I got my PhD at the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, in Portugal.


[2014] Ph.D in Computer Science. Thesis: Automatic Extraction of Definitions.[pdf]

[2005] Degree in Communication Science, with a specialisation in management of communication technologies, at University of Siena. Final mark 110/110 cum laude. Thesis: Gendered Agent Based Modelling: Esperienze di simulazione sociale.


[2005-2008] Research Assistant for Language Technology for eLearning project (LT4eL) supported by the European Community under the Information Society and Media Directorate, Learning and Cultural Heritage Unit.

Rosa Del Gaudio, Gustavo Batista, António Branco. Coping with Highly Imbalanced Datasets: a case-study with definition extraction in a multilingual setting. Natural Language Engineering. 2013

Rosa Del Gaudio, Gustavo Batista, António, 2012 Using Wikipedia to Collect a Corpus for Automatic Definition Extraction: Comparing English and Portuguese Languages, In Proceedings, ECL2012 - XI Encontro de Linguística de Corpus , São Carlos.

Rosa Del Gaudio and AntoEnio Branco. Evaluating a Learning Management System improved with Language Technology. In proceeding of the 12th International Conference Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL). Villach, Austria. 2009.

Rosa Del Gaudio and António Branco, 2009 Extraction of Definitions in Portuguese: An Imbalanced Data Set Problem, TEMA 2009 Text Mining and Applications, EPIA 2009

Rosa Del Gaudio, Ant́nio Branco, 2009. Improving e-Learning Experience with Language Technology: Evaluation Results, ICL 2009 Interactive Computer Aided Learning

Mariana Avelãs, António Branco, Rosa Del Gaudio and Pedro Martins, 2008, Supporting E-learning with Language Technology for Portuguese, In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR2008), Berlin, Springer.

Rosa Del Gaudio and António Branco, 2007, Automatic Extraction of Definitions in Portuguese: A Rule-Based Approach, In J. Neves, M. Santos and J. Machado (eds.), EPIA2007 - 13th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 4874, Berlin, Springer, pp.659-670.

Rosa Del Gaudio and António Branco, 2007, Supporting e-Learning with Automatic Glossary Extraction: Experiments with Portuguese, Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Representation for eLearning Environments, RANLP2007 - International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing.

Luís Antunes, Rosa Del Gaudio and Rosaria Conte, 2004. Towards a Gendered-Based Agent Model. In Proceedings of Agent 2004 Ð Social Dynamics: Interaction, Reflexivity and Emergence. Chicago, October 7-9, 2004.
rosa AT di DOT fc DOT ul DOT pt